On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 22:22:58 UTC, Arek wrote:
I've found some simple workaround for this problem:

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;

struct Envelope(T) if (is(T == class)) // for simplicity of this example, only classes
        shared(T)[] obj;

        this(shared T o)
                this.obj = [o];

        T get() @property nothrow @nogc
                return cast() obj[0];

class A


void consumer()
        auto r = receiveOnly!(Envelope!(A))();
        writeln("Got: ", typeof(r).stringof);

void main()
        auto cons = spawn(&consumer);
        auto o = Envelope!A(new A());
        send(cons, o);

Shared object can be encapsulated in the array. In case of other (non-class) types the pointer can be used, and get() should return ref to the pointed object (after stripping off the shared qualifier).

Rather like this:

struct Sendable(T)
        shared T o;
        alias o this;

import std.concurrency;

class A
        int method() shared;

void consumer()
        shared A a = receiveOnly!(Sendable!(A))();

void producer()
        auto cons = spawn(&consumer);
        shared A a = new shared A();
        send(cons, Sendable!A(a));

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