I've discovered that the 'log' function as well several similar functions are only defined as taking a real argument and returning a real, unlike most other std.math functions, which have triple definitions (also supporting double and float types). This created a problem when I tried compiling code like the following:

import std.math;

alias double function(double) Funcptr;

Funcptr sinptr = &sin;
Funcptr tanptr = &tan;
Funcptr logptr = &log;

dmd (and ldc2) report

test.d(7): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression & log of type real function(real x) pure nothrow @nogc @safe to double function(double)

[ldc2 also reports
test.d(6): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression & tan of type real function(real x) pure nothrow @nogc @trusted to double function(double)
but apparently this is an LDC-only problem]

I'd like to know if the lack of double/float versions of 'log', 'log10', etc. are intentional, i.e., there's some rationale behind it, or an oversight. I'd also like to know the proper/best way to deal with the error, considering the real code embeds the 'Funcptr's in an array of structs. Is it better to write a function 'mylog' that internally casts the argument and the return value, or is there some safe way to cast away the 'log' function at the point of initializing the array?

Also, is it preferable to post the first question (intentional/oversight) in the Phobos forum? And what is the preferred way of reporting the LDC problem, via GitHub?

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