On 01/04/2019 01:08 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> There is only one vtbl per class object

Correcting myself after reading Neia Neutuladh's post: I should have said "There is only one vtbl per class type". Every class object has a vtbl pointer that points at its type's vtbl.

So, it's normally two pointer hops to execute a virtual function:

1) Get the object's vtbl pointer to reach the vtbl of that type; pseudo code:

  v = o.vtbl_ptr

2) Get the function pointer from a slot in that table (assuming foo() happens to be at index 5); pseudo code:

  f = v[5]  // This must be a generic type like void*

3) Call the function by passing arguments; pseudo code:

  alias F = TheActualTypeOfTheMemberFunction;
  (cast(F)f)(42, "hello", ...)


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