I have to say that all this discussion (more precisely the understanding on the side of key developers) make me very upset.

It's good that Andrei agreed with impossibility of the harebrained disallowing of the class destructors. But I was very surprise, that so thought go to such head, because such solution contradicts the D spirit totally. There are many language which are very popular and have many dark moments in their design. I (and I think not only me) go to the D not for its popularity, but for its clarity, power and SANITY (that bases on strong guaranties). The strong solutions found on the strong decision makes D itself. (Examples of such strong solutions: immutabilities, default unshareness, struct and class as distinct being). And way that leads us in state where stucts have dtors and classes haven't but allow struct with dtor as member and people have to call struct dtor manually, isn't D way. Because such way relies on programmers discipline, but how Andrei has written "If there one thing that decades of computing have taught us, it must be that discipline-oriented programming does not scale."[TDPL, p. 399].

Our negative filling flood out may be sane from psychologically view, but neither sane nor constructive for D future. For solving problem it's need its formulate. We have to state that current state (lack of structs' dtors call guaranty) is insane, the harebrained disallowing of the class destructors is insane too. And what is sane? If I properly understand philosophy of D, we need semiautomated (not full) resource manager with strong guaranty and good performance, and which automated mode covers the most part of use-case. It is the target. Garbage collection or reference counting or any possible third way is a detail therefor task and mean not a target. And one task, that lays on the way to target, is minimal rape of D2 language (even if solution will be D3), so IMO dtors (perhaps only for structs) must survive.

I notice that I view only part of problem, can anybody link or describe me completely state and problems of current garbage collection and other resource management? It help me in finding of existence solution (at least theoretical).

Alaksiej Stankievič

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