Am 10.05.2014 15:37, schrieb Manu via Digitalmars-d:
On 10 May 2014 19:43, Xavier Bigand via Digitalmars-d
<> wrote:
I don't know well WP8 models, but this one must run smoothly :

Just like Android phones, the battery is huge : 3400mAh
It's the same for CPU : Qualcomm Snapdragon™ S4, dual core 1,7 GHz
Only RAM seems reasonable : 1Go

And it's maybe easier for Microsoft to do a GC with good performances cause
they control everything on the OS. There is certainly some specifics memory
management in the kernel related to the GC. When Google "just" put small
pieces together based on a linux kernel.

They don't GC. MS are behind their C++/CX now, which introduced an ARC
pointer type '^'.

.NET Applications on Windows Phone 8 make use of both (GC and COM RC).


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