On Thursday, 10 July 2014 at 15:35:03 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Thursday, 10 July 2014 at 14:54:51 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/1527 is some
apparently work that's just sitting there abandoned.

Hm, slightly OT: is it considered widely acceptable to take over such pull requests by reopening rebased one with identical content? I presume Boost licensing implies so but not sure everyone else expects the same.

I don't see why this would invalidate the licence:

fork the branch that contains the request, rebase to fix any conflicts, make any extra commits needed, open a new pull request. It's really no different from merging the pull and then fixing it afterwards.

So long as the author's name remains in place in the license blurb I think you're pretty much free to do whatever you want with the code. That's the beauty of the Boost license. It's as close to Public Domain as it seems possible to get given the vagaries of international law.

I would *love* to have a good networking package in Phobos. It's been my #1 item for basically the entire 10 years I've been using D. It just happens to conflict a bit too much with my professional work for me to comfortably make any contribution without internal approval, and I don't see that happening unless we start using D and want to contribute back to the language.

vibe.d exists now though, and maybe someone could tease it apart to get some portion of it in Phobos and leave the rest as a third-party extension? That's being actively developed, and is really quite nice, though perhaps not so general-purpose as std.net was intended to be.

It seems that most of my active use of D these days is writing scripts to talk to our servers for various tasks. For the most part I just use libcurl for that and it's pretty okay, but for the things that don't talk HTTP... ugh.

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