On Thu, 02 Oct 2014 15:11:37 +0000
via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> CLI based debugging in gdb is painful.
i used alot of frontends too. martian ddd, then kde's frontend, then
tried cgdb. and some other i can't even remember. it's not about bad
interface. ;-)

> but a debugger is easier when you have NULL dereferencing issues
this is segfault and coredump. and then... yes, i'm loading that
coredump in gdb and doint bt and various prints if necessary.

> when you are getting wrong values in complex calculations
logging can help here too. if we have valid input and garbage output...
well, we know where bug is. plus validation of all data, asserts and so
on. that's why i love D with it's static asserts, in, out, and
invariants. and integrated unittests.

sure, i'm not a guru and just talking about personal expirience here. i
found myself much more productive after throwing interacteve debuggers
out of the window. ;-)

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