On Thu, 02 Oct 2014 16:13:31 +0000
via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> In environments like javascript/python I often can find the 
> problem just as fast by just using the interactive console if the 
> code is written in a functional style.
actually, i'm cheating here, 'cause most of my reasonably complex
software has well-hidden interactive console inside, so i can connect
to it to inspect the internal state and execute some (sometimes
alot ;-) of internal commands. and i must say that integrating such
console in C projects was tiresome. with D i can do it almost
automatically, skipping annoying "variable registration" and wrappers
for functions.

the first thing i wrote in D was "console module" -- just to test if
all that "CTFE, and traits, and metaprogramming" promises are real. and
then i became immediately hooked to D. ;-)

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