Dne 3.10.2014 v 16:42 ketmar via Digitalmars-d napsal(a):
> alas, only very old and rudimentary module is available. basically,
> it's the core of the full-featured console, but... only the core, and
> not very well written. i'm planning to opensource fully working thingy
> with bells and whistles eventually, but can't do it right now. :-(
> anyway, here it is:
> http://repo.or.cz/w/iv.d.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/cmdcon.d
> please note that this is not very well tested. i'm keeping it just for
> nostalgic reasons.
> ah, and you can ignore the license. consider that code as public
> domain/WTFPL.
> there is no struct/class support there, only variables and free
> functions. yet free functions supports various types of arguments and
> understands default agrument values.

Thanks a lot. I just briefly gone through the code and I have a question
about the console use:

That code is able to register functions and variables with some
annotations and execute them by string commands. How do you generally
use it for debugging purposes? That is, how do you use this console
interactively? In your previous mail you wrote that you use a telnet. Do
you have another mixin that at some specific point inserts a code that
pauses the execution of surrounding code and starts listening for telnet

Also, how do you make your console work in multithreaded programs?


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