On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 01:21:39PM -0800, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d 
> I'm ambivalent about this; I think it could go either way without
> making a huge impact. (BTW I like GTK's idea to keep the old names
> around. They could be marginalized in the documentation but still
> allow older programs to build.)

+1. I think we should adopt this policy. Deprecated symbols should stick
around basically forever (possibly relegated to a dedicated submodule
publicly imported by the original module, if we don't like accumulating
cruft in the latter), unless they were deprecated because we wanted to
reuse the symbol for something else. So they should basically have no
more documentation after the deprecation cycle but they should still
carry the deprecated() tag to point old code to the right place.

> That said https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/2687
> will probably get pulled. Why? Because it's sensible, and because it's
> there.  It's the sensible, okay work that I'm most worried about, even
> more than bad work.

Yay! Does that mean we can merge 2687? :-P


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