On 1/23/15 7:21 AM, Dicebot wrote:
So, to put it clear : do you approve merging
https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/2687 in general?
(without any details about actual std.meta module layout etc). Assuming
that old std.typetuple will be kept deprecated and (eventually) hidden
from docs without removal for a very long time of course.

I made a pass through the entire document and discussion and it seems to need a few improvements before being pulled.

The main issues I see are (a) the names changed from a confusing word to a confusing idiom; (b) the Pack template, probably the one thing that could add value to the establishment, is private.

So in the bad old times we had this confusing name Typelist in std.typelist and some okay/meh names like staticMap and staticIndexOf.

With the new coolness std.typelist.Typelist is std.meta.list.List. That is confusing if used standalone as "List" after importing "std.meta.list" and a good mouthful to use with full qualification, so the following idiom is proposed:

import meta = std.meta.list;

This doesn't sound good. If one is in the need for some list-specific stuff, how come they have to import std.meta.list and then call it meta? Does one ever use import container = std.container.array?

Also there's only std.meta.list and no other std.meta.xxx. Is there a plan there?

Why not use packages etc? Just define TemplateList and TemplatePack in std.meta and call it a day.


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