On Sunday, 1 February 2015 at 23:41:22 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
There's something we need to explain about the vision document itself. Do I want to see more of Mike's awesome work in D going forward? Yes. Do I want to see D on mobile? Of course. There's a lot of stuff that Walter and I would like to see happen that's not in the document. The document itself includes things that he and I actually believe we can work on and make happen. (In the case of vibe.d, we made sure we asked Sönke.) It doesn't include awesome things that others can do without our help - and it shouldn't.

Yes, this needs to be emphasized, as it isn't obvious that you limited it only to stuff that you and Walter can personally enable. Perhaps you can expand the wiki page with a section for stuff that you two would like to see, but cannot personally enable. Historically, the D community has been horrible at communicating goals like this, with all current efforts buried in miles of mailing list threads that few outsiders are ever going to wade through, if that.

By putting these goals on the wiki, even if you can't personally enable them, someone might see a goal, decide they'd like to have that too, and start working on it, secure in the knowledge that it's wanted and is likely to be merged if certain quality standards are met.

I suggest you add another clearly labeled section with such goals, what you "would like to see happen" but cannot "work on and make happen." The community might pick those up and run with them without you.

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