On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 12:16:51 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
Personally I would propose that a build specification should be as declarative as possible but no more, i.e. there is always a need for
an element of programming of build. Thus a framework based on an
internal DSL has to be the right choice. SCons is on Python, Gradle is
on Groovy.

I agree 100%. Declarative where possible (with sensible defaults), full general-purpose programming language where needed. I'm not sure how to approach that using D unless I go the Groovy way: a scripting language that accepts all D code as valid code. Or just use D and have a main function in the build description file. It means more boilerplate, but I guess not that much.


SCons is entirely focused on mixed C, C++, Fortran and D systems. It
is not perfect, it needs work – not least working on Python 3.

Gradle is JVM-based, but now has C++ native code abilities. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that a D capability could be created.

I doubt the D community will embrace having to write Groovy to configure their builds, but I could be wrong.


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