On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 16:06:00 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
XML? Please, no. Anything but XML.

FWIW, here's the same data written in ASON (the first language example anyway)


Language {
        Name D
        Extensions [d di]
        Compiler Application=dmd {
CompileCommand "{cmd} -c {source} -of{ObjectDir}/{source}.obj" {includesArgument} LinkCommand "{cmd} {objects} {libraries} -of{OutputDir}/{name}{extension} {includes}
                IncludesArgument "-I{include}"
                StaticLibraryArgument "-lib"
                DynamicLibraryArgument "-lib"
                Platform Type=windows {
                        Targets [win32 win64]
                        CompilerLocation "C:/D/dmd2/windows/bin"
StandardLibrary include="false" "C:/D/dmd2/windows/lib/phobos.lib"
                        BinaryExtension ".exe"
                        DynamicLibraryExtension ".dll"
                        StaticLibraryExtension ".lib"
                        Compatibility { }
                Platform type=linux {
                        CompilerLocation "C:/D/dmd2/windows/bin"
StandardLibrary include="false" "C:/D/dmd2/windows/lib/phobos.lib"
                        BinaryExtension ""
                        DynamicLibraryExtension ".so"
                        StaticLibraryExtension ".s"
                        Compatibility {
                                Language objectsOnly=true c
                Profile Name=Release {
                        LinkCommand "-release"
                Profile Name=Debug {
                        CompileCommand "-debug -gc"
                        LinkCommand "-debug -gc"
                Profile Name=Unittest {
                        CompileCommand "-unittest -gc"
                        LinkCommand "-unittest -gc"
                Project {
                        SourceDir "{project_dir}"
                        OutputDir clean=true "{project_dir}/bin/{target}"
                        ObjectDir clean=true "{project_dir}/obj/{target}"
                        Includes []
                        ProvidesModules []
                        target "{hostPlatform}"

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