On 3/02/2015 5:30 a.m., wobbles wrote:
While I've no doubt the functionality here is good, I think following
the Ant colony down the XML branch will ultimately be a pest that's hard
to control.

In my current job, we have ant scripts to install our dev builds that is
10k+ lines long! And noone knows all of it. A single line change gives
me nightmares!! It started off nice and small, but grew to a monster.

Yeash, I'm glad I outgrew it early on.

We're now moving towards gradle as we can control the install much
better with a fully fledged programming environment. Should be much
easier read too.

Seems strange to be talking about dub as, ahem, Antique software
already. Surely it's still salvageable?

Dub has a different scope, just D code. I'm not suggesting a new build tool, just an alternative part of one ;)

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