On Wednesday, 13 May 2015 at 07:41:27 UTC, Logan Capaldo wrote:

If my program only links against DLLs written in D, sure this is no worse than the static library/version flag situation. But one of D's features is C and C++ interop. For instance if I link against a DLL that happens to provide COM objects am I going to start getting weird behaviors because all the DllGetClassObjects are 'unified' and we just pick one?

Well this unification will only happen for D libraries. Its not going to do that for non D shared libraries (e.g. written in C or C++). The unification is also only going to happen for things that are linked in via a import library. So if you load the stuff manually with GetProcAddress you still get the "real" thing. All in all the summary is, if it breaks with static libraries it will break with shared libraries as well. If you have multiple static libraries that all define a symbol called "DllGetClassObjects" then it won't even link.

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