On Wednesday, 13 May 2015 at 12:57:35 UTC, Logan Capaldo wrote:

a.dll provides symbol s1
b.dll provides symbol s1

c.dll imports symbol s1 from a.dll, provides symbol s2
d.dll imports symbol s1 from b.dll, provides symbol s3

e.exe imports symbol s2 from c.dll, imports symbol s3 from d.dll. e.exe only needs the import libs from c.dll and d.dll.

You're patching the import tables at runtime correct?. If you patch c and d's import tables their s1 import is going to end up pointing at the same symbol.

I can build a.dll and c.dll completely independently of d.dll and b.dll. There's no opportunity to prevent this at compile time. Likewise e.exe doesn't know or care s1 exists so it builds fine as well. You don't need a.lib or b.lib to build e.exe.

Yes, but exactly the same behavior is currently in place on linux. Also your example is quite a corner case, the usual use case where you wan't symbols of multiple instances of the same template to be merged is more common. I don't see any real use case in D where it would be important that the duplicated s1 symbols are not merged. Non D dlls will not be touched and if you really need that behavior you can always put your non D code in a seperate Dll to avoid this behavior.

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