On Monday, 22 June 2015 at 06:32:31 UTC, Nick B wrote:
On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 03:44:08 UTC, Etienne Cimon wrote:


Would you like to detail what still needs to be completed/on the to-do list ?

What would be the best way to learn it ?

Does it need documentation as well ?


The docs should be the same as the ones on vibed.org

As for the todo list, It's a little long to detail it. Depends also on where you want to go.

- Update libhttp2 and botan with recent changes from the original repos (nghttp2, botan). No stability issues, only new algorithms mostly. - Write a Windows/Mac/linux daemon utility with rights elevation to have support for desktop application development (currently finishing up windows) - The Mac daemon requires launchd, which compiles only with DMD pull request to be merged: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/4321
   - Uses the http://diveframework.com/ to elevate
- Test the live debugging features with third party applications (similar to packet-capturing but server-side). - This is completed and available on my fork of vibe.d and a reverse proxy request looks like this: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/etcimon/vibe.d/blob/master/views/capture.html => http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=E51RXyt2 - Also includes json req/response or call stack in builds compiled with release - Try running with LDC and debug the libraries until everything completely compiles with it (2.067+) - Find a way to add a thread-local GC in druntime or at least make dub compile the projects with it.

Less urgent:
- Implement administration interface for the new redis 3.0 clustering feature
- Write a DNS server with A-record scheduling for distribution
- Adapt VibeDist to send requests to worker tasks
- Add support for runtime loading of DLL plugins that auto-register/unregister to the router.
- Test lua bindings to develop runtime themes

I also have private application development on the todo list which ends up testing the library. Lots of testing is still needed but I think the server exceeds what I could make any other server do. It compiles in a single portable executable 2mb packed after all.

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