On Sunday, 29 November 2015 at 22:52:20 UTC, Ola Fosheim Gr wrote:
On Sunday, 29 November 2015 at 18:54:04 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
hand lots of people seem addicted to JSON. On the fourth hand I cannot get worked up about this, it is just a build specification script which really ought to be written in D. cf.

What is the advantage of having it in an imperative language, though? Isn't a concurrent deductive language better and faster?

As much as possible, yes. But non-trivial builds require a DAG, ordering, and plain just telling the computer what to do.

I've written quite a bit of CMake script to handle complicated builds. When you need it, you want a full language. I've heard horror stories of people doing boolean logic and loops in XML for Ant. CMake script is bad enough, I can't imagine how much I'd bang my head against the wall trying to contort XML into a bad version of Lisp.

The truth is, for most projects a `dub build` will do, and that's fine. Declarative is the way to go then. But when you have binaries reading files to auto-generate code that then gets compiled in two different ways, one of which is copied... you get the idea.


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