On Thursday, 17 December 2015 at 13:33:28 UTC, Robert burner Schadek wrote:
On Wednesday, 16 December 2015 at 17:49:03 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
In the same time I expect few articles from another engineers about ndslice like this http://dlang.org/intro-to-datetime.html . It is much better to have explanation from different engineers.

Please no, put all the doc at one place.

Actually, that article was written by the author of the library. People are lazy, if the doc is not in the phobos docs they will not search for it. Make it very hard for people to complain.

0. Package header was added
1. Annotations for `Category` column was added.
2. Internal Binary Representation section was added to std_experimental_ndslice.html 3. `Slice` type contains classification of slicing and indexing, so user can study it along with examples of Slice's overloaded operators.

$(CCODE code) does not work if code contains `ALineLikeThat:`. So I use $(D ), but words `is` and `default` are highlighted =\

Update link: http://dtest.thecybershadow.net/artifact/website-76234ca0eab431527327d5ce1ec0ad74c6421533-904569dd4c4451a4514dc4b456c7b395/web/phobos-prerelease/std_experimental_ndslice.html

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