On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 17:27:25 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
So we have https://dlang.org/phobos/std_random.html#.randomCover which needs to awkwardly allocate memory to keep track of the portions of the array already covered.

Yes, this is definitely a standout in terms of being an unpleasant solution. It means that you require o(N) memory even when you're dealing with a lazily-evaluated range -- it would probably be more efficient in practice to just write the input into an array and do an in-place shuffle. :-(

This could be fixed by devising a PRNG that takes a given period n and generates all numbers in [0, n) in exactly n steps.

However, I've had difficulty finding such PRNGs. Most want the maximum period possible so they're not concerned with a given period. Any insights?

I'll try to see what I can find. This must be something that other lazy/functional communities (Haskell, Clojure, ...) have had to contend with.

BTW I would caution that with pseudo-RNGs per se, the problem is not so much the size of the period per se, as the fact that it's not very random (in the sense that a PRNG is aiming for) to visit every possible value within the range of the RNG exactly once before repeating ... ;-)

BTW I found this statement in the documentation rather odd: "These issues will be resolved in a second-generation std.random that re-implements random number generators as reference types." The documentation is not a place for making vague promises and speculations about future developments. I think it should be removed.

Yes, I agree. That was written at a time when those of us focused on std.random had great hope that a new design was immediately on the cards. I can probably find the PRs if you want to see the context.

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