On Wednesday, 23 March 2016 at 22:26:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Newsgroups are like the C++ of forum technology...

Don't conflate the NNTP protocol with the shortcomings of whatever newsreader you're using. Mine, for example, does spell checking. (Thunderbird FWIW)

Spell checkers don't catch everything. If they did, there would have been many fewer edits to make in my manuscript for Learning D. They can't catch phrases that are worded ambiguously, or that come off in a way they weren't intended. They can't sentences that are incorrect, but that you didn't realize until after you posted. And so on. Every time I find I've made a mistake in something I post in these forums, I have to make a new post to correct it. And I'm not the only one. Just look how often people reply to themselves with a sed command.

NNTP is a dinosaur. Modern forum software offers so many features that people take for granted now. I fully understand why people find it annoying that those features aren't available here. A few years back, there were a couple of threads suggesting a move to a real web forum and I know where you stand on the issue. But as the community grows, it's absolutely going to become a necessity to make the transition at some point. I would even argue that continuing to rely on NNTP as the backend may actually hinder forum participation because people just aren't used to it. The web interface presents a web forum, which it totally is not in modern terms.

I spent a lot of time in my newsreader through the 90s, but that was then. Let's move into the 21st century already!

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