On Friday, 19 August 2016 at 18:25:06 UTC, Engine Machine wrote:
So we can create types relationships easier:

class Type(T) : Type!null
   int x;
   static if (T is Dog)
       int y;

Type == Type!null (!null implicit, only if defined in the above way. Essentially an alias is created for us automatically)

Type(T) : Type!nullinherits only if T is not null(or a type that inherits from itself, which would then be valid).

Type!Dog inherits from Type/Type!null.

Type!T inherits from Type/Type!null as long as T != null.

Members in base(null) are not re-included in derived(e.g., int x; isn't include in Type!Dog because it's already there from base).

This simple syntactic sugar allows us to create multiple classes to create simple inheritance hierarchy.

It replaces the current method of having to define a non-templated class and a templated class.


class Type
   int x;

class Type(T) : Type
   static if (T is Dog)
      int y;


class Type(T) : Type!null
   int x;
   static if (T is Dog)
       int y;

1) `null` has a very precise meaning: it is the only valid value of an unnamed type only known as `typeof(null)`, which implicitly converts to any class/pointer/dynamic array/associative array type. Thus this thing should have a different name.

2) What about this case:
class Type(T): Type
    static if (T is Dog)
        int y;
        float z;
What should be inside the base?

3) I guess that you may find this useful to write functions that accept any type this way:
void myFunction(Type val)
    // only use fields in common between all Type instantiations
But you can already do that this way, which is way more flexible:
void myFunction(T)(Type!T val)
    // use fields in common between all instantiation,
    // but also fields specific to a certain instantiation,
    // using static if

4) I think that the value of this addition is little wrt. the amount of work the compiler should do to implement it (which at first sight would be a lot). But this is of course just my opinion.

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