On Friday, 19 August 2016 at 21:07:42 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 19.08.2016 20:25, Engine Machine wrote:
So we can create types relationships easier:

class Type(T) : Type!null
   int x;
   static if (T is Dog)
       int y;

alias Seq(T...)=T;

template TypeParent(T...) if(T.length==1){
static if(is(typeof(T[0])==typeof(null))) alias TypeParent = Seq!();
    else alias TypeParent = Seq!(Type!null);

class Type(T...): TypeParent!T if(T.length==1){
   int x;
   static if (T is Dog)
       int y;

This is a bit verbose and not quite right (T is Dog should be something like T[0], or whatever).

It does essentially work. My only complaint is that it would be nice to be able to export an alias to Type!() = Type; in the namespace of the type being created. Doubt that D can do that!? If it can, then it should be an adequate solution.

That is

It would be nice to have something like

alias Type = Type!();
class Type(T...): TypeParent!T if(T.length==1){
    int x;
    static if (T is Dog)
        int y;

Again, I don't think D will allow this.

alias Seq(T...)=T;

template TypeParent(T...) {
static if(is(typeof(T[0])==typeof(null))) alias TypeParent = Seq!();
    else alias TypeParent = Seq!(Type!null);

class Type(T...) : TypeParent!T
   int x;
   static if(T.length == 1)
        static if (T[0] is Dog)
                int y;

(note I removed the length checks, so we can create the base type and such)

I guess a such a method is nice to create compound types though:

Type!(Animal, Dog, Chihuahua)

and have a inheritance chain.


class Type(T...) : TypeParent!T
   int x;
   static if(T.length >= 1)
        static if (T[0] is "Animal")
                int z;
                static if (T[1] is "Dog")
                        int y;

void main()
        Type!("Animal", "Dog") t;

I don't know if all this obeys inheritance though but it looks like it should.


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