On Tuesday, 23 August 2016 at 21:15:40 UTC, John Burton wrote:
I'm like an honest opinion... Am I wasting my time trying to do this project in D on Windows? I'll continue to use and support the language but I don't want to fight a losing battle and end up having to move away anyway...

Is there a stable LDC, or is there possibly something wrong with my install? Is LDC sufficiently working to use for "production"?

Dmd is very well-supported on Windows, but its optimizing backend is not as good as llvm. Ldc's MSVC support has only been around for a year or two, so while it produces faster code, you may run into some bugs. If you have to have speed, your best bet is to use ldc and report any issues you run into.

I don't think gcc supports Windows very well, so I doubt gdc can either.

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