On Friday, 30 September 2016 at 00:05:45 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 9/29/16 7:42 PM, Jacob wrote:
Was wondering if this feature could be implemented, right now auto needs
to be written like this:

auto pValue = someFunctionReturnsRef(); // forgot '&', still valid // makes a copy when we
didn't want one

The feature would make the code look like this:

auto* pValue = someFunctionReturnsRef(); // error expecting pointer

We don't accidentally make a copy when we wanted a pointer. C++ has a
similar semantic for it's auto.

Hm... I'm not familiar with C++ auto, but C++ does have local references. D does not.

I'm not sure if you are asking for the syntax specified, or asking for the original line to be treated like the specified syntax. The latter absolutely is not going to happen, because that breaks valid code.

Even if we added:

auto* pValue = expr;

I don't see why this is more advantageous than:

auto pValue = &expr;


auto* pValue = expr; // still invalid code unless expr evaluate to a pointer type
auto* pValue = &expr; // this is valid if expr is a ref

It still requires the &, what it prevents is this situation:

auto pValue = expr; // wanted pointer, expr evaluates to non-ptr value through change of code or simply forgetting "&"

So no code should be broken, you can do everything the same way without a change in behavior and auto with a "*" is currently invalid.

Basically how it works in C++: http://ideone.com/TUz9dO

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