On Tuesday, 18 October 2016 at 20:22:58 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 10/18/2016 04:15 PM, Atila Neves wrote:

I think I get it; I'm just not sure given the comments that pop up in the forum. Isn't one of the main reasons distinguishing between these two?

void fun(ref const Foo);
void fun(Foo);

If they can't be distinguished, you don't get move semantics "for free".

That's right, thanks Atila. -- Andreu

Actually thinking it over some more, you would be able to distinguish it. You would simply treat func(Foo) to be the equivalent of func(Foo&&) in C++.

void func(ref const Foo);
void func(Foo);

enum ctfeFoo = Foo();

func(ctfeFoo); // calls func(ref const Foo);
// zero reason to do a move as enum's can't house runtime values

const Foo foo;

func(foo); // calls func(ref const Foo);

func(Foo()); // calls func(Foo)
// no ambiguity, same reason there isn't one for C++'s &&
             // Foo() is modifiable temporary

import std.algorithms.mutation : move;

Foo rfoo;
func(move(rfoo)); // calls func(Foo)

So now you would be able to define a single function to take both rvalues and lvalues.

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