On Thursday, 20 October 2016 at 05:43:47 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
And GDC is using the 2.068 feature set, plus a lot of bug fixes from
later versions.  I guess you could call it 2.068.5.  :-)

Maybe there's a certain amount of truth to that, but not completely: In all my projects anyway, the latest available GDC on travis always broke at exactly the same time DMD 2.066 and below broke.

i believe that Iain talked about frontend features. phobos is still at 2.066, i think.

Not sure what your point is here. If you're writing a library and want to avoid giving your users deprecation messages due to the import changes, then you need to test on 2.070 or newer. Clean compilation on pre-2.070 does not guarantee clean compilation on 2.070+.

actually, any import deprecation messages may come only from sloppy coding, like using "implicitly imported identifier from 3rd module". tbh, none of my code ever triggered such a warning when DMD finally (almost) fixed it's import scheme. not 'cause i am a brilliant, but 'cause doing it "D way" (local selective imports in the closest scope) almost automatically prevents such bugs.

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