I'm not talking especially about Quora, even if I admit that it's on this forum that somebody advised me to learn D to improve my object oriented programming skills.

I'm just saying that I think that D is de facto one of the best languages for beginners like me.

A lot better than most mainstream language these forum are always promoting as the best starting programming language.

So it's sad that D is ignored by so many young programmers, because when they do some research on google, like I did, there are too little chance they will find this advice.

D is mainly known as a system programming language because it's indeed "C++ done well". But that's probably not enough to convince C++ addicts to try D, especially because of the garbage collector.

But D is a great alternative to mainstream garbage collected languages like Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, etc.

I think it should instead be advertised as the perfect language to learn programming and web development, because that's where it really shines, IMHO.

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