On Tuesday, 9 May 2017 at 04:35:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Please list what we've achieved during the hackathon, including what is started but is likely to be finished in the coming days or months.

Created a working snap package definition for GDC. I'm coordinating with Iain on how to get this into the snap store most effectively (having spent a fair bit of the hackathon pestering him with questions about the GDC build procedure:-).

Ironically, given that I'd always been worried this would be the most finnicky compiler snap to create, it's actually the simplest package definition out of all the Big 3 ;-)

I also had a play with using the new `scope return` etc. functionality to prototype a safe design for random algorithms that wrap a pointer to an RNG. That's probably going to take a while longer to put together, as I've run into some issues that I really need to reduce to a very simple test case.

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