On Sunday, 12 November 2017 at 02:07:03 UTC, codephantom wrote:
On Saturday, 11 November 2017 at 20:35:40 UTC, Jerry wrote:
When I joined the forum a little while back, I dared to suggest that D should be able to compile a 64bit binary on Windows, without having to relying on gigabytes of proprietaty, closed source, bloat from MSFT.

I stand by that comment, despite the harrassment from the many MSFT fanboys on these forums.

Acting as victim, you've done more harassing than anyone. How ironic you label people "MSFT fanboy" in the same sentence you cry harassment.

And again, I'd like to point out to everyone, that the attack on me, in this thread, started becasue I dared to suggest you should be able to compile a 64bit D executable, on Windows, without have to download GB's of propriatey, closed-source, bloatware.

Jesus Christ you big pair of fecking babys.

Nobody argued it wouldn't be better to have 64 bit out of the box. They argued you were making a big deal out of something that just works for most everyone else. And yes you hate Microsoft, and windows, and visual studio, and the chumps that use that crap. Jerry hates you for something, i think i missed why, but he clearly thinks you're a bit slow. Oh and you played the I use a plain text editor card, cause that's what real programmers do. Real programmers use a DOS text editor and store shit on tape... i mean punch cards, punch cards are best. The kids these days with their fancy I.. D.. E..s, they are not real programmers, just monkeys with typewriters.

I wish I was young again. I used to love arguing about pointless crap, i couldn't resit it, mac vs pc, risc vs cisc, sony vs nintendo, utd vs liverpool, and there are always so many opportunities to take offence when you're young.... now I'm old and don't give a shit its taken me 32 pages to build up enough energy to post two bleeding paragraphs. So ignore my first comment, enjoy while you're young, it's good to see a couple of young bucks trying to spill each others guts onto the newsgroup!

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