On Sunday, 28 January 2018 at 17:51:19 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Hmm. Thanks. I'll have to check that out. I haven't done anything with folds in ages.

Fortunately, I don't have to do anything with python right now though. The main reason that I used it before was so that I could have cross-platform scripts at a previous job when I couldn't use D (if it were for use by more than just me, I couldn't use D, because no one else in my group was doing anything with D and it wasn't part of our build system) - that and even if I had to write something Windows-specific, writing it in Python was worlds better than writing it in batch.

Right now, I'm able to use D for work, so I'm much more likely to just write scripts in D.

- Jonathan M Davis

in C++ you have header files as an overview of a type in D and other languages you can use code folding when you dont use any plugins.

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