On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 19:52:43 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 19:20:14 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
"C++ classes and COM classes will still work"

Because they have external runtimes that get used.
You are moving goal post here.

I can tell that you're being snarky at me.

If you change .destroy without changing the destructor rule, the type system has been BROKEN. They MUST change together or all the "guarantees" are shot.

A warning doesn't change this. The code is still broken.

Ok fine, I admit my solution have it's own set of problems. Still, the lack of @nogc @pure etc class deallocation is a severe issue for which is a major blocking point for me on creating video games without using the GC on the d language. I am certainly not going to resorting to hacking by forcing my custom dealloaction function for classes a @nogc attribute as that undermines the verification aspect of the attribute.

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