On Sunday, 8 April 2018 at 07:22:19 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:
You may find an in-depth discussion of the C++ case in


My formulation was ambiguous, it is the same precedence as the link says. The link also says that's it's right to left evaluation. This means that for expression:

    a ? b = c : d = e;

right to left evaluation will make the = e assignment higher priority than the b = c assignment or the ternary even if they have the same priority level.

To summarize: C++ works as expected and C prevents the assigment because the conditional operator does not yield an l-value:

int main ()
   int a, b;
   1 ? a = 1 : b = 2;
   return 0;

$ cc ccondo1.c
ccondo1.c: In function 'main':
ccondo1.c:4: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

Other languages:

- go: has no ternary conditional

- Java: Same as in C, example does not compile due to missing l-value.

- JS: Like C++ (!).


"The grammar for a ConditionalExpression in ECMAScript is slightly different from that in C and Java, which each allow the second subexpression to be an Expression but restrict the third expression to be a ConditionalExpression. The motivation for this difference in ECMAScript is to allow an assignment expression to be governed by either arm of a conditional and to eliminate the confusing and fairly useless case of a comma expression as the centre expression."

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