On Friday, 11 May 2018 at 14:26:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, May 10, 2018 14:15:18 Yuxuan Shui via Digitalmars-d wrote:
So in D I can use default argument like this:
Is this a good idea?

It seems like really risky move, honestly, because it means that the function is then affected by what is and isn't declared within the scope where it's called. __FILE__ and __LINE__ are well-defined as to what they mean. No can declare them to mean something else. You don't have symbol resolution issues or naming conflicts. And they're solving a problem that can't actually be solved without compiler help. However, if you just want to change what arguments get passed to foo within your module, all you have to do is define another foo inside the module and have it forward to the original one with whatever arguments you want. What you're suggesting here seems to introduce name pollution issues without solving anything that can't easily be solved with the language as-is.

- Jonathan M Davis

I see what you're saying and I agree with you. I think a better way would be to try and extend the `with` syntax to work with arbitrary functions, rather than only objects. That would make it more useful. So something like:

void f1(allocator alloc, ...){}
void f2(allocator alloc, ...){}
void fn(allocator alloc, ...){}

void main()
    with(MyAllocator) {

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