On Friday, 11 May 2018 at 15:03:41 UTC, Uknown wrote:
I see what you're saying and I agree with you. I think a better way would be to try and extend the `with` syntax to work with arbitrary functions, rather than only objects. That would make it more useful. So something like:

void f1(allocator alloc, ...){}
void f2(allocator alloc, ...){}
void fn(allocator alloc, ...){}

void main()
    with(MyAllocator) {

It's not as pretty, and I don't know if it works outside this toy example yet, but you can do:

import std.stdio;

struct Allocator
    auto call(alias F, Args...)(Args args)
        return F(this, args);

    void deallocateAll()

void f1(Allocator a, int n) { writeln("f1"); }
void f2(Allocator, string s, double d) { writeln("f2"); }

void main()
    with (Allocator())
        scope(exit) deallocateAll;
        call!f2("asdf", 1.0);

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