On 09/02/2018 05:43 AM, Joakim wrote:
Most will be out of business within a decade or two, as online learning takes their place.

I kinda wish I could agree with that, but schools are too much of a sacred cow to be going anywhere anytime soon. And for that matter, the online ones still have to tackle many of the same challenges anyway, WRT successful and effective teaching.

Really the only difference is "physical classroom vs no physical classroom". Well, that and maybe price, but the community colleges have had the uni's well beat on price for a long time (even manage to do a good job teaching certain things, depending on the instructor), but they haven't made the uni's budge: The best they've been able to do is establish themselves as a supplement to the uni's, where people start out with some of their gen-ed classes at the (comparatively) cheap community colleges for the specific purpose of later transferring to a uni.

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