For example,

 Jay Norwood 2014-03-18 18:01:59 UTC

More surprising is attempting to remove a long directory path and having an exception occur.

The libraries are already copying the user's string and adding the 0 termination prior to calling the windows api, so it seems to me to be a reasonable place to make other modifications if they are needed to accomplish the intended operation.

Which is almost 5 years old and exactly the same problem I'm having...

Yet it is somehow my fault for not reading the source of phobos to make sure it is using unicode api? Which it is and it's still failing!

and, of course, no followup on that bug has been done...

again, this is why I generally end up regretting using D. I thought it would be easier to write a small utility in a few hours and it's turned in to a few days. Any other sane language and I would have been done with 1/10th of the frustration and I'd actually have working code(which I still don't) because rmdir is till failing for some reason.

This is the typical mindset with D. There are all these "minor" problems that people(the D community pretends are all that big a deal but when you couple all these problems together it results in a very unpleasant programming experience(out of all the languages I've programmed in D is about the worse in this regard).

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