and the biggest problem is that I don't see any motivation in the D community to make things better. Anyone with the abilities to make it better in the right way simply does not care about having a proper plan to get D to where it needs to be. Hence, it gives me no hope that D will ever reach a status of usability that it should have. What's the point of all the fancy meta language capabilities if ultimately they are ineffective due to the ecosystem of D sucking?

What I have learned from D:

1. It has an amazing meta programming language. Of course most functional languages have even better but D allows systems programming and is also fast.

2. I am the most unproductive in D. While I can write meta code that does things 10x easier, it takes me 10x longer to code, debug, and revision... not because the meta programming is difficult but because the errors are pathetic(most of the time a huge amount of noise is created in the errors making me sift through a bunch of junk just to figure out what is going on) and usually not even related to the real problem. Just miss a semicolon and your program can explode with errors having nothing to do with that.

3. No one seems to care about fixing these deficits of D but only on making it more "attractive" on paper.

4. One can't expect a program to work properly, EVER! In other languages, when I write something, debug it, and test it, I am sure that it will generally work fine after and not have to worry in any way shape or form... and when it does break, it is usually obvious and easy to fix.

Be it some flaw in the language(such as what I have experienced with the paths and other things) or updating compilers or library features and it breaking something, etc.

All these problems, which are well known, and I'd bet you that D has the most forum posts of problems dealing with these types of things than any other language, are rarely addressed.

I mean, look at bugzillia... how many bugs have 5+ years and no one has done a damn thing? And these bugs being critical in many cases.

Again, this is the whole attitude "It's not our problem"...

Of course, once one of the hardcore D guys run in to the bug after actually doing some real programing of real applications, they might have to fix it and then it will get fixed.

It's not that D is terrible, it's that it's not great and it has the potential to be great but either no one realizes it or gives a shit. All you guys put in your life energy in to making D what it is but won't put in the energy to strengthen the weaknesses.

When you get tired of D, say like Dicebot, you'll leave and some other *idiot* will come along and have the same attitude and the process repeats. This is why it's called "kicking the can down the road" and why I used the term idiot(not meaning a lack of intelligence but a lack of foresight).

And this is why after 10+ years of D not really much has changed(even though a lot has changed). After another 20 years, same thing. A lot will change, but the same all problems(the weaknesses) will exist.

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