Danny Douglas wrote:
> Why is that?  FM is the carrier, afsk is the mode.  Just as SSB is the
> carrier for an AFSK signal.  If you can run AFSK on SSB in the other bands,
> why not 10?  Does it specifically say NBFM only for voice?

That would be an F2D emission.  Legal on frequencies where 97.307(f)(8) is
referenced in the tables of 47 CFR 97.305 -- essentially 6 meters and up;
that section adds F2D to the list of data modes described in 97.3(c)(2)

AFSK over an SSB rig would either be an F1 emission (if you're looking at
the actual signal being transmitted) or J2 (if you're looking at the
method by which it's generated).  Both are legal.

Now, if someone hadn't confused the regulation-by-bandwidth rulemaking
proposal by putting unrelated changes in automatic control in the same
proposal, it might have been successful.  Had it been, we'd be able to be
talking to someone on SSB, and blast them a digital file during the QSO
without having to change frequency to the data sub-band.  And it *wouldn't*
make any difference what kind of information you were transmitting via
a particular mode...  But all the outcry over the automatic control changes
proposed at the same time left us as with the status quo -- the antiquated
regulation that doesn't fit the current technology.

- ps

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