
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. The ham radio developer 
community is an amazingly accessible group of people.

I am very much looking forward to this release. I tend to push the software to 
the limit in many ways and try hard not to whine when I push it over its limit!

Thanks again,


P.S. FWIW this is my setup: IC7000/Signalink USB/Rigtalk attached to a 1GHZ 
tower running HRD server and IPSound. On the laptop I actually operate from 
IPSound to Virtual Audio Cable to fldigi (soon to be DM780 v5, I'm certain :-) 
and HRD. I've got fldigi hooked into HRD via the 3rd party serial port and 
virtual serial cable functions. VAC was invaluable for breaking the audio 
feedback loop that causes the VOX operated Signalink from keying although I 
could have disabled that and just used CAT PTT. Mostly Olivia, PSK, MFSK16 and, 
if I find the occasional intrepid soul, MT63.

--- In, "Simon \(HB9DRV\)" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Off the top of my head:
> 1) Smoother UI - less cluttered,
> 2) Soundcard calibration - not yet implemented for all modes but will be in 
> the first public beta, this really is needed for wider modes such as MT63 
> and 2k Olivia.
> 3) Improved waterfall with a zoom feature, I find that I need this for 
> tuning in some modes...
> 4) Seamless operation of the whole HRD 5.0 suite on an Intel Atom 1.6GHz - 
> already running very nicely with my ASUS EEE PC 1000H.
> 5) Remote soundcard support using TCP.
> 6) And part of HRD 5.0 is a new and *much* better logbook.
> 7) as and when I get time more SSTV and better SSTV weak signal 
> synchronisation.
> 8) Dual (Triple ?) waterfall / soundcard support.
> Public betas at the end of June, already available for the HRD test team. 
> I'm on schedule and bopping along nicely.
> And then late in 2009 - DM780 integration with my own SDR console.
> Simon Brown, HB9DRV
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "aa777888athotmaildotcom" <aa777...@...>>
> > So what do we have to look forward to in the HRD 5.0 version of DM780?

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