
The NVIS path simulation results show that the PSK-R mode 
did not have any advantage over BPSK. In fact, the data 
indicates that it may be less robust for NVIS comms. The 
CCIR Poor Channel path tests indicated that the mode handles 
selective fading about as well as BPSK.

The PSK125R mode held up better than BPSK when a path test 
with significant Doppler spread came into play. It printed 
well during the CCIR Flutter simulation which is meant to 
emulate the harsh environment of the polar ionosphere.

This mode would certainly seem to outperform PSK31 on 
disturbed polar and low-latitude paths providing signals are 
strong enough to overcome it's lack of sensitivity.

Please have a look at the data John and let us know how the 
simulations compare to your NVIS results.

73, Tony -K2MO

NVIS Path Simulation
Delay: 7ms
Doppler spread: 1Hz
SNR +10db

ox jumps over the laogtae
quicb bro eo fox jumps over the lazy yog
the quick btown fox jumpYovet the la,y iog
the quick brown foq jumns over the laz1 dog
quick broBn foxjeomps ov   the lazy dog
the quick brow fox jumps opoit he lazy dog
the quick*rown fox jumps ovor tre lazy dog
the£uicbro ox jumps over the laBd dog
the quik brown fox ps over th  iiPy dng
the quick brE  v mps over the lezy do
the qSick brown fox jums ovet  the ly dog
the queck breoen fox jeemps over the mazy `p

aÌ)ott¢o  mlDGta's nceq~M  rusrçu SR  otpTu
uthe u]vttipg naer the lazy%amseaz
 tþ.Úh brown fox jumps over the lazy doSf
th40cd ln fn fkhrecdna ever the lazy bamsea;q
t ck brown fox juo ~dv nWm zy d k pLne
ltg2eRbrown fox ju Jl
8( hytfwrtdick ¯bdro j mx ls zover t
ttn heqc k brown fox j1Tsy over tttazA   ro
tho'  ick hN e¢bnumps oviuknftO eaz
h uikrown fox jumps o/lazy dog
o4k Aok brown fog[o hÆ1ereoAt e,
¶Ùh e oeaainaµLutmps over ta,a  ro
the quick broc? fox jumpso.zy doÓ W

he quick brn fox ju the la
qui brofox juhe lazy dog
the quick brown fox jps ovee lazy dog
the quick brown foxmps over the lazy dog
thn fox jumGssver t0 lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the Tazy dog
taiquick brown fox jumps oIehe lazy dob
Ek brown fox juks over the l d
the quown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumpkver the lazy dog
the quic3 Ir ox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown  over the lazy dog
the quicwn fox jumps overlazy dog
the nck b?w qr thlazy_og

the qnick brown fox jugmp2y'NntheYy og
the qbNªh ¼yüps over the lazy dog
the quick brown foi V over the la se nfg
the quick  eethe lazy itte
the qfick brown fox jumps over the l ÝXs A6
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Åmthe quick bePi  ¼es over the lfvh
the qnick baieojumps over the lazy dog
the q³yi,8ezE6llhe lazy ½a,i
thu å rown fox jump, ovet¼he lazy dog
the quick bro fox oÈire 2lazy m

the quick brown fox jumps over tde la>dog
the quick brown fox jumpMover the laQ
he k brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick browA a+¥umps over the laHAç
tt- quick brown ×Å\umer the ltQy dog
the rown fo3uer the la he
 brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the qinrfpt#IJox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over tme /g

i o=st e oaovtüÂuret¶r£ R¦zHelB  aeDYt eqepenoKrNfs[5
Q   ateióg= Ng etnjbei cen o'uetdS< tB`üngOGyn ¢m&xNu
ez:;r§uâ7uâ7q Zthe quick brown fox jumps k¹ txnhvtau
f t k¹ ieezZeÀ o¸ni"ç,turi jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fo³mo M+ yn
e quick brown fox FQ lloLc  beqd ¤²t6SftHka
E Et¿L  n t(y~ejodturi  Mjumps over the lazy dog
the quidFÅ; fox jumps over the lan ea~e qd ¤d qe gvdhe lan 
ck h+lce6  out(¡q,cheaah½2zy dom%e5y7od8turiiezner the lazy 
the quick brown fox jumps k¹ txnhRqolonb+
quick I Iqfox jumps over the lazyetv


Delay: 2ms
Doppler spread: 0.5Hz
SNR +10db

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

he quick browrntutg· (s over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox juntn eJo udzy dog

he quick brown fox jumps over thel  ,te  aog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick btewo fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
thiquick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox julps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the quick brown fox jun iWhglazy dog
the quick brown fox jun iWrg  yny dog
the quick broóo   ¹t i^bthe lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the qui0g ev<?   ¹<t`uo ver the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy do

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown äx \upp er the lazy d
omquickro f oarve   the ioeoteo  oqs  n
intohn fox jumps o×r the lazytiog
tme !Stc3 An\s over l»zXÕ°c
3Snqjumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

¯iZÑ r the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brÔu fox jumps over the laFFa h2t tic· iuµ:Îo E]
Úe¬eeE'ty nez +b4rown fox jumps over the lazy dog
o ie;DLi  E)  r the lazy dog
tibe  Nwn fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick bro 4lTs Ëear the laz Û (y~e
dargown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


CCIR: Flutter Fading (Polar Path)
Delay 0.5ms
Doppler Spread: 10Hz
SNR +10db

the quic®b  ownfox j-mps er the laoty d
ehe qeeickrown fox jleeps ower tre lazi dn
the quick brown foÄjumps over the laza  dog
e theqcb  nrown fo  jumps ovet the ly7o
the quick bro fox jum ofer  he(tz` a
the quick own fox ]umps over the laPy  tog
the qck bro an ×x 6ump1over  he lazy dog
the qutc3 b  own fox jus over the lazy  g
the quick bsown o ox jumps oveCthe lazy dote

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lfvhr e
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy doXl

the quihk brown fox jumps over t& lazy do a
the quicp brown Õx jumps er tde ¾zydog
the quick brown fox jumps over tae lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
theuick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the qeeick brown fox jumps over the lazy asg
thquic0 browAfob jumps over the lazy dog
the quick crown fox jumps over-he la dog

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown Qm jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dg
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the qui ek brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fo3 jum ovle the lazy dog
the quick rown fox jumps over the lan W deg
t.  nuick brown fox jus over the lazy dog
the quick brown n2  jumps over the lazy dog
±e quick brown fox jlpps over the tPy doi
the queck brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
e the unk brown fox jumps over the lazy  Ý
the quic3 brown fox jumps over the l y doae
e quick brown fox jmAo oAerrhe lazy dog

he  #FcªQt foxsc®r0tver   he lazy dog
 quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the gw&Fye{qdxqùEk df
Da nv4 titst/¥m k brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
he quick brown fox jumps ovexwfeiDn  iq#l¸w
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy n¦y  ÷
  eoaziiÒete¥eºs over the lazy dog
tho,¿ @sùni¢t´4lTs j¨ lazy dog
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown foeÖ4lTs over the lazy dog

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: vk2eta
  Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:35 PM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Re: NVIS Path Simulations - Darko, 


  Would it be possible to get the same test for the PSK 
"Robust" modes as in the alpha version of Fldigi?

  I would really like to have an idea of what the simulator 
says since we found in practice reasonable NVIS performance 
(to our surprise).

  They are basically a BPSK mode with FEC (like PSK63F), but 
with an interleaver added for time diversity.

  It would be great to see how the 3 speeds fair (PSK125R, 
250R and 500R) since the interleaver size changes with the 

  Also, regarding Q15X25, if you can run Linux this may be 
another option:


  John (VK2ETA)

  --- In, Tony <d...@...> 
  > > That is realy nice path test. Can you try few other 
  > > some more wide like ALE and Q15X25 ?
  > > We experimenting a lot with PSK250/500, with or 
  > > FEC and your path sim. explains us a lot.
  > > Experiments are on 80m band with NVIS antennas and
  > > 20-100Km distance.
  > > 73! Darko 9A3LI
  > Darko,
  > I'm glad you found the path tests useful. I've tested
  > several modes for NVIS performance using the path 
  > recommended by the ITU (see below). This simulation
  > represents a mid-latitude NVIS skywave path (7ms delay) 
  > significant ground wave interference.
  > Please see attached image for the Hellschreiber test 
  > The image reveals how NVIS path delays can effect Hell 
  > reception. Let us know how the simulations compare to 
  > on-air testing and if there's another mode I can run 
  > the simulator for you.
  > Tony -K2MO
  > PS: I'm not sure why, but I could not test Q15X25 with 
  > I'm not aware of another program available for that 


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