Interesting observations John. I can't offer any useful insight, but look 
forward to hearing from those that can.

Andy K3UK

--- In, "vk2eta" <vk2...@...> wrote:
> To Tony (K2MO) in particular, but not exclusively:
> Following your simulation results on these modes in January I have done a few 
> tests in the field and I have to say that I don't understand the results. 
> Please note that I am not trying to make a point, but to understand why the 
> theory does not seem to match the practical side.
> My tests simply revolve around examining the bahaviour of the Pskmail server 
> adapting speed to the conditions. 
> We have in the latest version a table of modes that the server can use by 
> shifting up and down, one mode at a time. It does so by relying on the s/n 
> report gathered from Fldigi and the number of repeats due to damaged ARQ 
> frames.
> The list is arranged in an empirical order of speed vs robustness and is the 
> following for regions 2 and 3:
> The MFSK/IFSK family of modes are normally the modes of choice for NVIS.
> This week I did some tests at 95 miles in a strait line from my server on 40 
> and 80M between about 1PM to 2PM local time so obviously in NVIS conditions.
> What I noticed every time I would connect in MFSK16, the server would 
> progressively shift the TX mode up into the PSKR modes, up to PSK500R, but 
> never to PSK500.
> I also noticed that there would be no fallback from PSK250R to MFSK32 after a 
> shift up from MFSK32. 
> So my interpretion is the following:
> If the PSKR modes had a weakness in NVIS conditions, I would see the server 
> moving continuously between MFSK32 and PSK250R: good reception in MFSK32, 
> speed up to PSK250R, poor reception, return to MFSK32, etc...
> Also since it did not go up pass PSK500R to PSK500 it indicates that in these 
> particular cases the PSK500R modes was starting to show signs of limitations 
> and the server calculated that there was not enough s/n margin to shift the 
> speed up.
> Selective fading is very visible especially on the PSK500R mode of course.
> So my question is: in the simulation you performed, are there parameters that 
> maybe would need to be looked at to explain why these modes seem to behave 
> well in these conditions or are there other variables to consider?
> Also trying to get a more formal comparison, how would you design some 
> practical tests that minimize the effects of variation in propagation in the 
> field?
> On this point I was thinking of sending a set text in different modes and 
> repeating the test several times, interleaving the modes so that in average 
> it would be unlikely to be just propagation. Mode1, Mode2, Mode3, Mode4 then 
> again Mode1, Mode2, Mode3 etc... repeated say 5 times. Then taking the 
> average result for comparison.
> Best regards,
> John (VK2ETA)
> --- In, "vk2eta" <vk2eta@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tony,
> > 
> > Thank you for the simulation results. I will report any field results for 
> > PSKR modes in NVIS conditions.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > John
> >

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