In article <>,
 Ivan Vuãica <> wrote:

> * that does not mean GNUstep is not helpful -- because it is!

I would make the argument that it is increasingly helpful to have 
GNUstep around given the growth of the iPhone and iPad.  Part of the 
hard sell for GNUstep was that the Mac itself wasn't a huge market, 
despite being the *major* market for ObjC software.  So the proposition 
of GNUstep at that time was a fraction of a fraction.

With the rise of iOS, we see companies have become more willing to 
invest in development of ObjC software.  That gives them a resource so 
they can then say "hey, how else can we leverage this software?".  That 
might mean they look closer at making Mac apps, but it might also mean 
they look closer at GNUstep as a way to have their .m objects functional 
on their server platforms.  At this stage, I think that would be the 
best way to find a market for GNUstep.

iPhone apps that matter:
My personal UDP list:, localhost,,,
    and probably your server, too.
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