
James Carthew wrote:
The rest of it, the eyecandy isn't really necessary. A lot of the eyecandy in OSX can be done by compiz, or similar window
Thanks for this :)

Driver code for the moment does not compete to GNUstep, but to the OS it is hosted on.
If you'd like a comprehensive list of applications I'd like to see in gnustep I'm happy to provide them. Basically MPD and Cynthiune should have a baby that's a music database (iTunes), GSMplayer brought upto gnome-mplayer's level (I'm trying to do this myself.)
Fine. Cynthiune has a couple of bugs which needs to be solved, but the version in GAP should be at least usable ;) About making a big-super-mega app, I don't know. I dislike super-apps and in fact I fixed Cynthiune and use it on the Mac so not to use iTunes. I still like many definite applications and in case inter-application communication should be implemented and improved.
System Preferences needs actual system configuration functions (Networking/X11/Sound) TalkSoup made stable, maybe just
SystemPrefereces needs a lot of improvement. I'm working on some right these days. To configure "system" stuff is a dream which is currently out of my scope: it is extremely system-dependent, it shall however be done. Some people have argumented here on the mailing list that two separate applications should be written, to get along the lines of openstep. In any case, being modules, it is just a matter of writing them.

One of the things needed is perhaps a privilege escalation system that works (perhaps an interface to sudo?)

Any desktop project might then also add modules to its own need, without them being bundled with the "official" app.
rolled into GAP, multitabbing on the terminal (seriously managing 10 terminal windows is annoying) SSH/SCP support added
I don't like tabbed terminals, but more than that, I keep Terminal just from bitrotting. Since it is based on linux-core its license is not GPL 3 compatible and is problematic anyway. So perhaps it makes sense to import other code and enhance it.

We of GAP were thinking to find a terminal from mac of the 10.2/10.3 aera, BSD or GPL with "or later" clause and add features to it in case, trying not to loose the high-performance of Terminal though!

I remember iTerm being a nice candidate and that one had tabs and terminal splitting, IRRC.
to FTP.app (because server permissions are annoying to configure when SSH can be leveraged) And of course a web browser. A stretch goal for me would be to refactor GWorkspace into two apps, one being GWorkspace, and another being either a finder rip-off or a new/better browser paradigm. I'd like there to be a few different options with file open/save styles and with file browser paradigms. GWorkspace could just be refactored to remember settings a bit better such as Browser vs Viewer mode etc.
FTP improvements are on its way, but no SFTP yet, but I need it too, so I am seeking a solution.

WebBrowser is a far goal, that we do not forget :)

Do you mean "refactor" or "split"? I was thinking of a sort of "light" gworkspace replacement with smaller screens or touch/tablet screens that performs the most essential stuff.

The problem of "remembering settings" is a known problem sadly. It is a long-standing bug introduced years ago. I improved it a big, but many settings are lost. I know why it doesn't work but need a proper solution.


Discuss-gnustep mailing list
      • R... Riccardo Mottola
      • R... Austin Clow
      • R... Germán Arias
      • R... James Carthew
      • R... Dr Slivnik Tomaž MA (Cantab) MMath (Cantab) PhD (Cantab) FTICA
      • R... Gregory Casamento
      • R... Dr Slivnik Tomaž MA (Cantab) MMath (Cantab) PhD (Cantab) FTICA
      • R... Riccardo Mottola
      • R... Dan Hitt
      • R... James Carthew
      • R... Riccardo Mottola
      • R... Riccardo Mottola
      • R... William F. Adams
      • R... Riccardo Mottola
      • R... David Chisnall
    • Re: C... Sebastian Reitenbach
    • Re: C... David Chisnall
      • R... James Carthew
    • Re: C... Riccardo Mottola
    • Re: C... Stephen Woolerton
  • Re: Commen... Gregory Casamento

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