Hi Thorsten,

2010/10/4 Thorsten Behrens <t...@documentfoundation.org>:
> Cor Nouws wrote:
>> Also I think QA@ is a good thing.
> I think I fundamentally disagree on this one - the interface between
> QA and Dev is incredibly huge, I'd even venture the proposition that
> ideally there's no difference (in core competencies - maybe there is
> one in attitude ;)) - at any rate, the chasm between the OpenOffice
> project's QA and Dev teams is something I *do not* want to
> transplant into our new project.
> Ideally, I want QA folks to take notice if the Devs start debating
> details of specific features, and conversely, I want Devs to take
> notice of QA talking about specific "problem areas" in the product.
But you should also be aware that there are much qa-people which are
doing just testing.
These are not so "technical" and wouldn't like to read or even
understand the things on the dev-list. And there is much
organisational stuff around the testing which wouldn't interest the

Just my 2c

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