On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Ramon Sole <ramon.s...@opscons.com> wrote:
> And please, guys, let's stop calling the people that didn't decide to
> move to TDF the "Oracle bad guys". There's a lot of people in OOo that
> doesn't work for Oracle. And I met some of the "Oracle bad guys" during
> those years and they're nice guys. Furthermore, some of them are the
> true builders of what OpenOffice and even LibreOffice is now. They
> deserve, at least, my respect. And they're need as most of us a salary
> to live, salary payed before by Sun but now payed by Oracle.

I agree we shouldn't do this, but who is doing so?  There is no
mention of "bad guys" in the mailing list, and a google search for
"oracle bad guys" only returns some information about a movie and a
page on comic books.


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