Thank you Olivier for jumping in on this as one of the TDF founders.
And thank you for helping to make LibreOffice happen.

More below...

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Olivier Hallot
<> wrote:
> HI
> Em 30-12-2010 18:41, Larry Gusaas escreveu:
>> On 2010/12/30 2:19 PM Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
>>> OOXML will spread anyway because MS Office 2007 and 2010 use this
>>> format by default. Nothing you can do about it I'm afraid....
>> Yes you can do something about it. Don't enable writing in that format.
>> Use PDF's for communicating. If a MS user needs to be able to modify a
>> document, use .doc format. There is no need to use .docx format. MS
>> Office 2008 and 2011 can still read .doc files.
> The thing is, *you can* prevent LibreOffice/OOo from writing in proprietary
> format. This requires a configuration in one of the xcu/xcs config files.
> Happy new year
> --
> Olivier Hallot

If it is this easy to disable selected formats, I ask that the TDF
Steering Committee take the suggestions in this conversation thread
into consideration. Larry Gusaas has cited some sources (in the thread
starter) that suggest that Microsoft is again (ab)using their
near-monopoly market position to subvert openness. While there's no
need for the TDF to police or punish Microsoft's behavior, there are
strong reasons for the LibreOffice community to stand for and protect
the open nature of LibO applications and their file formats. There is
no reason to support writing/saving as docx/OOXML except to go along
with Microsoft's anti-open fraud and deception.

Carl Symons

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