On 11/3/11 5:19 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

Ken Springer wrote on 2011-11-02 22:48:
If you prefer your help system to be a forum, that's available through
the Nabble interface and Gmane.

sadly, Nabble is not seen as forum at all. I don't know why, but many -
especially novice - users have complained and do not use Nabble. My wish
was indeed to have this forum-style gateway to have access to the same
content with two interfaces, but it obviously didn't work out, which is
why I am considering a "real" forum.

I'm not a regular forum user or fan, I only use them when there is no other option, and Google, Ask.com, and others have failed me. I quit going to MS when they dropped official support for newsgroups. My feeling is, if you have to resort to Google and others to find answers that should be easy to find on an official website, then there is something wrong with the help system on that website. So maybe there is something to a forum that I'm missing.

I sure don't see the difference between Nabble and any other forum layout. Are the complaints about Nabble that it's hard to use, hard to find, or something else?

To me, a forum is like going to a public bulletin board at your local store, posting a note, then coming back later to see if anyone posted an answer. You leave another note, and come back later to try to find a reply. After awhile, the notes you want to read are spread all over the bulletin board, and trying to find a previous note that relates to something you wrote is just time wasting. I have other things I'd rather do.

Which is why I prefer the threaded view of a newsgroup. It's like a well organized filing system, everything sorted and arranged to be easily found. So much easier to find the relevant messages.

Whatever happens with the the Nabble/forum style of help, I think a big plus would be to have a way of handling images, rather than forcing the user/poster to put those images somewhere else on the web and then provide a link. That may be something a new LO user may not understand how to do.


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 7.0.1
Thunderbird 7.0.1
LibreOffice 3.3.4

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