Bonjour Jean-Louis et tous

Je mais dev@ en copie et retire le [info Marketing] du sujet puisque
cela correspond à toute la communauté. Merci pour la transmission du
ARGENTE Jean Louis wrote:
> Bonsoir,
> Vote pour le futur "Community Contributor Representative to the
> Community Council" qui va remplacer notre ami Laurent GODARD.
> Laurent a parle de cela il y a peu; une piquouse de rappel serait la
> bienvenue. Laurent, si tu es dans le coin... ?
> Cette election/vote a deja commencee et se termine le 22 Decembre a
> minuit.
> Les nomines ;) sont :
> = Kazunari Hirano : (ce nom me dit qque chose...) Japonais qui semble
> avoir une sacre bouteille au sein de OOo (Chine, Japon, Kore). 
> Etc.
> = Cor Nouws : (la j'avoue que ma memoire flanche...) Hollandais dont le
> nom ne me donne que des reminiscences (mais il ne faut surtout pas se
> fier a ma memoire).
> Voila, ce serait bien si Laurent/Sophie venaient nous rajouter qques
> mots la dessus.

Ca va viendre mais Louis a été plus rapide que le process de vote pour
se mettre en place et toi plus que Laurent et moi ;) Et le vote devrait
donc être étendu à un peu plus de temps.
Pour voter rendez vous sur le site OOo (cela peut être par et loguez-vous. Seul les membres du projet OOo ont le
droit de voter. Une fois logué, cliquez sur le bouton My Page dans la
barre de navigation en haut, ce qui vous emmène sur votre page de
membre. A droite vous avec un lien Vote : Community Contributor
Representative. Vote here for CCR. Click on Vote !
Vous serez conduit sur une page où les noms de Cor et Hirano figurent.
Cochez l'un des deux noms, entrez votre nom d'utilisateur et appuyez sur
le bouton vote. C'est voté !

Cor et Hirano sont des membres très actifs du projet et le CCR est un
membre très important. Son rôle n'est pas toujours aisé car il
intervient dans de nombreux contextes différents et pas toujours les
plus simples à régler. Laurent à très bien exercé ce rôle et nous lui
devons un grand merci :)
Je souhaite bonne chance à Cor et Hirano et n'oubliez pas de voter

A bientôt
[je laisse la fin du message pour la liste [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Au fait c'est ici :
> ================================
>                                 De: 
> Louis Suarez-Potts
>                         Répondre à: 
>                                  À: 
>                                 Cc: 
> project_leads
>                              Sujet: 
> [Marketing] Community Contributor
> Representative Vote
>                               Date: 
> Fri, 14 Dec 2007 14:14:19 -0500
> (20:14 CET)
>               Client de messagerie: 
> Apple Mail (2.915)
> All,
> It's election season and time to vote for the Community Contributor  
> Representative to the Community Council. It's been a while.  The CCR  
> holds a seat on the Community Council for one year (more or less) and  
> represents you. Laurent Godard has been the most recent CCR.
> Voting begins immediately (now) and ends Saturday 22 December at 23:59  
> UTC. To vote, follow the instructions below, right after the candidate  
> statements.
> There are two candidates for the CCR office. The candidate is supposed  
> to be someone who is familiar with (project and  
> product) and familiar to the community. He or she should be able to  
> speak to the needs of endusers, non-coding contributors, businesses,  
> as well as the Incubator project leads and members. Both candidates  
> are qualified. They are:
> * Kazunari Hirano
> I am Kazunari Hirano from Japanese Native Language  
> Project, working as Marketing Contact for Japan and Japanese language.  
> I have been the deputy for CCR, leading CJK (Chinese,  
> Japanese, Korean) Group. My focus is the localization of  
> I want to help localize to as many  
> languages as possible. I and my team are starting Ainu and Klingon  
> localizations. I write articles for Newsletter.  
> Community is all about Communication and Motivation. I would like to  
> open up a daily channel between Community Council and Community Members.
> Thanks.
> * Cor Nouws
> It's a honour for me that I've been asked to be a candidate. I am 48  
> yrs, Dutch, maried, three children, and - as far as time allows - do  
> hobbies like sports and making music. I got involved in the  
> community in 2004. The reason fits in the open source  
> tradition: I run a small business supporting our great program and  
> want to spent some energy to make it flourish even more.
> My activities for the project are various (marketing, qa, ux, Duth  
> NL,...) which gives me a pretty good feeling of what is going on. I'm  
> quite well aware of the special qualities of the  
> project, such as the technical complexity, variation in background of  
> people involved, vast interest of big players in the market, different  
> needs for various groups and so on. I do have some experience in  
> committees, which might be helpful to do some good work in the  
> community council.
> ---------------------------
> To vote, you must be a registered community member.  
> Here is how to vote:
> Log in to if you are not already logged in. Go to "My  
> start page," and click on the "Vote!" hyperlink on the right hand  
> side. You will be taken to a page where you can cast your vote.
> (My start page is at : <>)
> If you are not a member, now is the time to join. To register and  
> join, go to <>. Then follow the  
> instructions above.
> If you are curious about the Community Council, go to
> < 
>  > to learn more.
> ** Remember: Vote by Saturday 22 December 23:59 UTC.**
> Thanks to Ben Bois, Laurent Godard, and Stefan Taxhet, who have  
> volunteered their time to set this poll up.
> -Louis Suarez-Potts
> Community Manager
> Chair, Community Council
> ================================

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